Stall applications closed

LNY 2025 Stallholders

Saturday 1 February 2025
10am - 10pm

Applications are now closed. 

The Chatswood Year of the Snake Lunar New Year Celebration Day will be expanded onto the streets of Victoria Avenue. Similar to the much loved annual Chatswood StreetFair, Victoria Avenue will host stalls showcasing the finest craft, art, international food, live performances and family activities.

With a Lunar New Year focus, we’re after lots of Asian food stalls to create the largest outdoor food party, some might even think of it as an open air yum cha experience. 

Besides great food, we’re after boutique art and jewellery, clothing to specialty goods. Community non-profit stalls are always welcomed.

Corporate and large businesses are encouraged to become a sponsor of the Chatswood Year of the Snake Festival to take advantage our brand and additional promotional opportunities.

We encourage stallholders to bring their own lanterns to decorate their stalls.

Stallholder information

Please click the box to expand with more information.

Closing date and notification

  • Applications close on Friday 13 December 2024.
  • Only successful applicants will be notified by this date.
  • All other applicants will be added to the waiting list.
  • Stallholder payments are due by Friday 10 January 2025.

Fees and payment for permit to trade

Please ensure you apply for the correct permit to trade at the LNY Celebration Day, otherwise fines may apply.

Stall type


Retail stall - Consumer products, prepacked food and small businesses

$477 + $30 mandatory power fee

$507 in total

Non-profit and community stall

$171 + $30 mandatory power fee

$201 in total

Food stall or food truck or trailer - Freshly cooked onsite


Food stall or food truck or trailer - Fresh drinks and snacks


Corporate stall - Large businesses, franchises and chains that are promoting their services, such as banks, telecommunications, realty and property.


Hire of fete stall – 2.4m x 2.4m stall with built in tables and roof


Hire of 3m marquee – 3m x 3m open marquee only



Power is unavailable for food stalls, stallholders must bring their own small generator for power supply. Power is available for retail stalls with a mandatory fee.

Do not send cheques or money with your application. If you are successful, you will receive a booking and payment instruction email via Willoughby City Council’s online booking system. Fees are due by Friday 10 January 2025. Failure to pay in full by the due date will result in the stall space being reallocated.

Waste management

LNY Celebration Day is a waste-wise event - balloons are not allowed.

All rubbish must be taken away at the conclusion of trade. Council waste facilities are not to be used by stallholders. NSW single-use plastic ban applies. Stallholders must use recyclable, biodegradable or compostable packaging, food and beverage containers and utensils. Failure to do so will result in a cease of trading until this is supplied. A list of suppliers can be obtained from Council.

The area that your stall is located in must be left in the condition that you found it in. Fines apply for non-compliance.

Can I bring my own stall?

Yes, we encourage you to bring your own stall with branding to promote your business as best as you can.

Stallholders can hire a council supplied stall as shown below for additional fee. You can decorate the stall with your own banners and fabrics.

2.4m x 2.4m Fete stall with built in tables: $150

Fete stall: The supplied fete stall is not 100% water proof. Stallholders are recommended to bring plastic sheeting to cover their products in case of wet weather and plastic boxes to keep items dry.

3m x 3m Open-walled marquee: $300

LNY 2025 - 3 x 3 Marquee.JPG

Can I bring my own appliances?

Electricity is available to retail stall at an extra fee and unavailable to food stalls. Small silent generators are allowed if kept safe from public. Food stallholders are encouraged to use gas for cooking, a maximum of 2 x 9kg bottles at once.

What are the operational times?

  • Trading from 10am to 10pm.
  • Bump-in and bump-out times will be released later.

What happens if there is adverse weather?

If adverse weather is forecast, stallholders will be kept updated by phone or email. If adverse weather develops on the day, LNY Celebration Day will continue unless there is danger to any person. There are no refunds in either situation. Do not apply if you are unwilling to accept the risk of adverse weather.

The bureau of meteorology is Council’s preferred website to monitor weather forecasts.

Where can I get product and public liability insurance from?

Council is unable to recommend an insurer. We suggest you shop around to find one that suits you. A simple search online with the term 'Market insurance' will give multiple results.

Documents required from all stallholders

Please ensure that you have the following documents and information to be included with your application. Applications without all of the applicable requirements will not be considered.

  • A valid copy of your product and public liability insurance certificate of currency.
    ($10 million for retail, corporate and community stalls, $20 million for food stalls and trucks.)
  • Photos and description of the products you wish to sell.
  • Product and price list.
  • Waste management plan - a short written paragraph outlining how you will deal with waste generated by your stall.

Extra documents required from food stalls and trucks

If it is your first time at a Willoughby City Council event, you will need to register your temporary food stall.

 Prepare and upload the following documents when applying: 

  • Food Safety Supervisor Certificate - this one is required by the NSW Food Authority.

  • Site plan - showing the location of different pieces of equipment, labels indicating where different processes are carried out and arrows indicating the flow of production of the food. Example:
  • Business statement - that addresses the following:
  1. Description of the food products that will be made and sold.
  2. Relevant information relating to food preparation onsite including methods and equipment used and relevant food safety and hygiene matters.
  3. Details on food transportation and storage conditions.
  • Inspection report - If any food product is prepared offsite, a copy of the food premises inspection report from the respective local council over the previous 12 month period is required.

  • External site plan - If any food product is prepared offsite, a site plan of the premise showing the location of different pieces of equipment, labels indicating where different processes are carried out and arrows indicating the flow of production of the food.

Stallholder guidelines and conditions

Guidelines and conditions

  1. Council’s decision on stall selection and location is final.
  2. Stallholders are not permitted to use the chairs hired by Council. They must bring their own.
  3. Images of stalls submitted by applicants or taken by Council may be used in Council’s marketing material.
  4. Council staff, other stallholders, retailers and members of the public are to be treated with courtesy and respect at all times. Rude, aggressive or antisocial behaviour will not be tolerated.
  5. Council has the right to amend or add to the rules pertaining to and governing the event at any time. Additions or amendments will be circulated in writing. Interpretation of Stallholder guidelines and conditions by Council is final.


  6. All applications must include a completed application form, evidence of product and public liability insurance and photos of the proposed products and/or menu. Where applicable, all food stall documents must also be included with the application. Failure to provide any one of these items will result in the application being dismissed.


  7. Stallholders have the choice to operate in their own marquee up to 3m x 3m in size or hire a covered fete stalls measuring 2.4m x 2.4m hired from Council or an open 3m x 3m marque with tables and chairs.
  8. Stallholders are permitted to supply their own marquee cover in addition to the Council supplied stall to provide further protection from adverse weather. These marquees must not exceed 3m x 3m.
  9. Stallholders are to confine their operations to within the boundary of the stall area unless Council has given prior approval.

    Goods and services

  10. Stallholders are not to alter the type of merchandise sold from the items listed in their application form, without the written consent of Council.
  11. Spruiking and microphones are not permitted.
  12. Council has the right to remove, without refund or recourse, any stallholder who misrepresents themselves or their product, either in their application or at the event.
  13. Council has the right to determine the application's stall type it sees fit.
  14. Signage may be used to identify the stallholder’s business, products and current price only. Sale or discount signage or advertising is not permitted.
  15. No toy weapons or balloons are allowed to be sold or displayed at the event.

    Fees and refunds

  16. A request of payment will be issued to stallholders upon their acceptance into LNY Celebration Day.
  17. Stall fees are due by the date specified on the application. There is no refund for cancellations. Failure to pay by this date will result in Council reallocating the stall.

    Correspondence with Council

  18. Only successful applicants will be notified.

    Access and trading

  19. LNY Celebration Day stalls will operate between the hours of 10am and 10pm on Saturday 1 February 2025. Stallholders must trade for the entire duration.
  20. No parking is provided. All day street parking is close by as well as shopping centre car parks.

    Refuse and garbage

  21. Stallholders must remove all rubbish and other materials from their stall site and leave the area clean and tidy at the conclusion of trading. Any stallholder found to be breaching these conditions may be fined by Council Compliance Officers.
  22. Stallholders must take all rubbish with them. Public garbage bins are not to be used by stallholders.
  23. No oil, water or other liquid waste is to be poured into drains or garden beds. No cleaning of equipment at the conclusion of trading will be permitted. Fines will be issued for non-compliance.

    Indemnity and insurance

  24. The stallholder indemnifies Willoughby City Council, its staff and contractors from any loss, damage or injury, actual or consequential, of whatever kind during the activities subject to this agreement.
  25. During the activities subject to this agreement, the stallholder will be liable for any loss, damage or injury, actual or consequential, of whatever kind that is caused by the negligence of the stallholder, their staff, contractors or performers.

Liability insurance guidelines

All stallholders must submit their public and product liability insurance certificate of currency. Please ensure that the certificate submitted with the application includes the details below.

  • The certificate must be in type written form.
  • It must be a certificate of currency – a copy of the policy schedule or number is not acceptable.
  • The certificate must be issued by an insurer licensed to conduct general insurance business in Australia.
  • The document must be on the letter head of the insurance company carrying the risk. A certificate produced by a broker or agent is only acceptable if a document from the insurer, authorising the broker or agent to bind them to cover, is supplied in addition. Alternatively, the certificate may bear the stamp of the insurer, duly initialled.
  • It is essential that the policy number be listed.
  • The ‘insured’ shown on the document must be exactly the same as, or include, the name of the legal entity with whom Council is dealing. A registered trading name is not a legal entity and is not acceptable without the name of the person/s who trade under that name. Partnerships must include the names of all partners. A registered company is a legal entity and so the certificate must bear the full company name.
  • The policy must cover the activity and property to which this agreement relates and that Council is interested.
  • The business described on the certificate must coincide with, or clearly cover the operations and property to which this agreement relates and in which Council is interested.
  • The policy must cover the entire period of the arrangement to which this agreement relates. If the policy will expire during the period of the arrangement, measures must be put in place to guarantee continuance of cover.
  • The policy must specify coverage that includes the area in which the markets are held.
  • The policy must list Willoughby City Council as an interested party.
  • The policy must have minimum limits of indemnity of $20,000,000 (food operators) and $10,000,000 (other).

Food stall additional guidelines and conditions

All stallholders wishing to sell food must agree to and comply with all guidelines and conditions listed on the following pages. Should you require further information, please phone Council’s Food Surveillance Officers on 9777 1000.

Documentation required for food stall applications

The following information is required with your application to demonstrate compliance with the National Food Safety Standards:

  • First time food stallholders must register their food business with Willoughby City Council
  • A copy of the operator’s Food Safety Supervisor certificate, if one is required by the NSW Food Authority.
  • A site plan of the food stall showing the location of different pieces of equipment, labels indicating where different processes are carried out and arrows indicating the flow of production of the food.
  • A written statement about the business, including a description of the food products that will be made and sold.
  • Any other relevant information relating to the proposed food preparation including methods and equipment used and relevant food safety and hygiene matters.
  • Details on food transportation and storage conditions.

Off site food preparation

Council prefers that high-risk food be cooked on site, fresh for the customer, but where this is impractical, it will consider an application involving the preparation of food at other venues provided that the following is submitted:

  • Written information on why the relevant foods cannot be prepared fresh on site.
  • The address of the premises and a floor plan of the location where the food is prepared showing the location of different pieces of equipment, labels indicating where different processes are carried out and arrows indicating the flow of production of the food.
  • A description of the fittings and fixtures at the offsite premises, including materials and surface finishes.
  • Written evidence that the use of the premises is authorised by the local council.
  • Copies of food premises inspection reports from the respective local council over the previous 12 month period.

If your offsite food preparation premises are new and you have not had a food premises inspection yet or you are unsure whether it has the appropriate approval, contact your local council.

Domestic kitchens have certain limitations in terms of size, facilities and the standard of construction and may only be suitable for the preparation of low-risk, non-potentially hazardous foods. They may also potentially pose food safety risks as a result of access by pets or children, plants or furnishings which may accumulate dust, and from normal household activities.

1 - General

  1. A temporary food stall shall consist of a 3m x 3m marquee or similar, of which the roof and three sides are covered with reinforced plastic sheeting, vinyl or other approved material (or shall consist of an open food stall, which must comply with section 2 below).
  2. A suitable waterproof material shall be laid over the entire ground area of the stall including 30cm in front of the stall.
  3. A mat to wipe shoes on must be provided at the entrance to the stall. Some situations, subject to Council discretion, may also require shoe covers to be used inside the food stall, which then need to be removed before exiting to prevent oil being tracked onto the street or mall.
  4. All stallholders must provide food products of outstanding quality.
  5. All stallholders are required to keep market stalls, fittings, fixtures and equipment in a clean and tidy condition.
  6. All stallholders must use recyclable, biodegradable or compostable food and beverage containers and utensils. Failure to do so will result in Council issuing an order to cease trading until this is supplied. For further information on these products, please contact Council.
  7. Stalls where cooking is carried out are to supply an ABE powder type fire extinguisher (red with white band or label) and a fire blanket of adequate size, kept in a readily accessible location close to cooking appliances. Fire extinguishers and blankets shall be maintained in good working order in accordance with Australian Standard AS1851.1-1995 and replaced or serviced as required.
  8. If you have a gas bottle on site, flammable gas 2 signage must be prominently displayed on your stall.
  9. The maximum capacity of all gas bottles is 9kg, secured and pressure checked. Each stall can only have 2 gas bottles onsite at any one time.
  10. Portable butane cookers are not allowed due to multiple brands failing the Australian Safety Standards.

2- Protection of food

  1. Only single use eating and drinking utensils may be used.
  2. All food stored on site (with the exception of whole fruit and vegetables) shall be stored in closed containers.
  3. Food (except whole fruit and vegetables) shall not be displayed so as to be openly accessible to the public. A physical barrier must be provided by means of sandwich display type counters, perspex glass sneeze guards or clear plastic siding to the stall. The use of clear plastic film such as Glad Wrap or similar is not acceptable if the covering is subject to constant lifting, as it becomes ineffective and tears.
  4. All condiments such as sauce, mustard etc. shall be contained in a squeeze type dispenser or in individual sealed packets.
  5. All disposable eating utensils are to be pre-wrapped in a paper napkin, environmentally friendly bags or similar material prior to distribution to the public.
  6. Drinking straws, paper cups, spoons etc. shall be enclosed in suitable dispensers or otherwise protected from contamination.
  7. Tea, coffee, cordial and other beverages are to be dispensed from an enclosed or lidded receptacle, equipped with a tap or spout.
  8. The use of disposable plastic gloves is recommended as long as the gloves are changed regularly and when contaminated or damaged.

3 - Cross-contamination

  1. Adequate measures must be taken to prevent cross-contamination from raw foods to cooked foods.
  2. Separate utensils must be provided for cooked and raw meats, poultry and seafood.
  3. All food must be contained and/or covered as detailed in section 2, above.
  4. Cooked meat, poultry, seafood and ready-to-eat food such as salads must be kept separate from raw meat, poultry and seafood.
  5. Hands must be washed after handling raw foods, including vegetables.

4 - Washing facilities

  1. A sealed container of potable water (minimum capacity of 10 litres) with a tap must be provided, together with a suitable bowl for hand washing. Warm water is needed for effective hand washing and personal hygiene. This facility shall be separate from any utensil washing facility and used only for the purpose of washing hands, arms and face. Liquid soap and paper towels must be provided at or near the hand washing facility.
  2. Clean drying towels, detergent, sanitising agents and two suitable bowls or containers must be provided in case utensils or equipment washing is necessary.
  3. For pre-packaged and low-risk foods, there may be exemptions from certain facility requirements due to the reduced food safety risk. Contact Council for details.
  4. Any waste water must be collected, contained and removed from the site at the conclusion of trading.

5 - Temperature control

  1. A digital probe thermometer must be provided to measure the core temperature of food.
  2. All food prepared at the stall shall be for immediate sale and consumption unless a suitable hot or cold display is provided, maintaining the food at a temperature of at least 60°C (hot food) or below 5°C (cold food).
  3. Pre-prepared food products or pre-cooked food consisting wholly or in part of fresh cream, custard, trifle or any similar food which promotes bacterial growth shall not be sold from a one day food stall unless stored, transported and displayed under refrigerated conditions as described in section 5.1.
  4. All raw and perishable foods that are potentially hazardous, such as steaks, hamburger patties, frankfurts, meats, chicken etc. shall be maintained below 5°C at all times, including during transportation.

6 - Cooking

  1. All heating and cooking equipment, including open flame barbeques and cooking plates, shall be located within the stall and suitably protected from dust-borne contamination and droplet infection (coughing, sneezing by the public).
  2. Cooking and heating equipment shall not be within reach of the public and shall be provided with adequate protection.
  3. Raw foods that are not whole fruit or vegetables, and foods which have been cooked shall not be displayed outside the stall.
  4. Where cooking is carried out, adequate provision shall be made to protect the stall walls from heat, flame and splashing.

7 - Open food stalls

  1. Open food stalls consisting of tables only or tables and trestles, where permitted by these standards, shall be used only for the sale of factory pre-packaged food in hermetically sealed containers (for example, canned or bottled soft drink, canned foodstuffs or pre-packaged jams, chutneys, sauces, cakes and biscuits).
  2. No perishable food shall be sold from an open food stall except packaged milk, packaged milk products and pre-wrapped ice cream, all of which shall be provided with approved means of low temperature storage.
  3. Provision is required for screening or shielding the stall to protect any perishable food from direct sunlight.

8 - Labelling

  1. All pre-packaged foodstuffs shall be labelled in accordance with the provisions of the National Food Standards Code (for example,  name of product, name and address of supplier, ingredients, date of manufacture and expiry date, and nutritional information panel).
  2. Copies of the Food Standards Code part 1.2 containing the labelling requirements and a nutrition panel calculator can be found on the Food Standards Australia New Zealand website

9 - Transport of food to the market site

  1. All produce, foodstuffs and packaging for market sale must be transported so that dust, pests and other likely sources of contamination are excluded. Whole fruits and vegetables and grains, which are to be further processed, generally do not need to be transported under temperature control.
  2. Foods that are required to be stored under temperature control, or kept frozen, must be kept under strict temperature control or frozen during transportation. Food-grade plastic or insulated containers like eskies with tight fitting lids may be used for some foods. Where food comes into contact with the surface of the containers, it should be impervious to moisture. Lids should not be removed from food containers when the vehicle is in motion or unattended.

10 - Waste management

  1. Food stallholders must complete a waste management plan and submit it with their application. This plan should list the type of waste produced, the containers used to distribute food and beverages and the destination of waste materials (for example, recycling).
  2. Stallholders must take all waste and rubbish with them. It is the responsibility of the stallholder to remove all rubbish and other materials and leave the area clean and tidy at the conclusion of trading. Littering fines will be issued if rubbish is not removed.
  3. No water, oil or other liquid is to be poured into the drains or garden beds anywhere on site.

All stallholders are reminded of the need to comply with the guidelines and conditions above, as well as those contained in the Food Act 2003, the National Food Standards Code and the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 at all times.

Failure to comply with the guidelines and conditions will result in your exclusion from the market, fines being issued and/or prosecution in a court of law.