

Council’s Environmental Health Officers carry out inspections of personal appearance businesses in the Willoughby local government area to make sure that they comply with public health legislation requirements. They check that premises are clean, that equipment is either sterilised or single-use, and that procedures are carried out in a safe and hygienic manner.

What happens during an inspection?

  • Arrive at the premises unannounced, introduce themselves and show their photo ID card.
  • Ask to speak to the person in charge.
  • Conduct the inspection whilst the business is open and trading.
  • Proceed whether the business owner is present or not.
  • Record non-compliances with a camera or other recording device.
  • Produce a written report detailing the inspection outcome.

Unsatisfactory inspections are followed up to ensure compliance with public health legislation.

What is assessed during the inspection?

  • The skills and knowledge of staff to carry out procedures safely.
  • The cleanliness of the premises and whether reusable equipment that penetrates the skin is sterilised adequately.
  • Sterilisation records, and the maintenance and validation of the sterilisation equipment (if kept on the premises).
  • Whether the risk of cross-contamination is reduced by correct storage and handling of equipment and the wearing of single-use gloves (if required).
  • The design and condition of the premises, including surface finishes, washing facilities and the location of hand wash basins.
  • The provision of sharps waste containers and safe waste disposal.
  • Whether there are any other public health risks related to the business activities.

Fees and charges

Council charges fees to contribute to the costs of administration, inspection, regulation, education of businesses and reporting. 

See Council's fees and charges

You will receive an invoice from Council after an inspection has been carried out. A re-inspection fee may also be charged if a business is found to be non-compliant and requires follow-up inspections. 

Enforcement options

Council has a responsibility to enforce public health and safety laws in personal appearance businesses, and may take regulatory enforcement action for breaches. This action may be taken as a result of an inspection or from investigating a complaint. 

Council’s Environmental Health Officers have a number of informal and regulatory options for dealing with breaches of public health legislation including:

Verbal or written warnings

Warnings may be issued for minor breaches, at the discretion of the investigating officer.

Penalty infringement notices (PINs)

PINs may be issued for certain breaches of public health legislation.

Improvement notices

Legal documents issued under the Public Health Act 2010 directing someone carrying out skin penetration procedures to do certain things by a specific date.


Legal documents issued under the Local Government Act 1993 directing someone carrying out hairdressing or beauty treatment to comply with relevant standards set in the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005.

Prohibition orders

Legal documents issued under the Public Health Act 2010 that can force a business proprietor to cease carrying out skin penetration procedures until a further inspection determines the public health risk is eliminated or made satisfactory and a certificate of clearance has been issued. A prohibition order may be issued if an improvement notice has not been complied with by the time and date specified, or to prevent or mitigate a serious risk to public health.


Council may instigate legal action in a court of law for more serious or ongoing breaches of the Public Health Act 2010 or the Local Government Act 1993.